Kosovo, in southeastern Europe, declared its independence fromSerbia in 2008. Centuries ago it was at the center of the Serbianempire, but it was conquered by Turkish forces in 1389. By the timeSerbia regained control of Kosovo in 1912 to 1913, most of thepopulation was Muslim and spoke Albanian. In a brutal conflict in the1990s, Serbian forces drove the people of Kosovo from their homes.The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) launched air strikes in1999 to force Serbia to stop the attacks. United Nations and NATOforces then moved in to enforce the peace. After Kosovo declaredindependence, many countries recognized it as a separate country,including the United States. Even more countries did not, includingSerbia, Russia, and China.Which of the following statements is most likely to result from the fact thatonly certain countries recognize Kosovo's independence?O A. Many jobs will be created there by the selective trade patterns thatwill result.OB. The United Nations Security Council will be unable to agree on aunified policy.O C. The admission of Kosovo to the World Trade Organization will helpits economy.OD. The population of the new country will become increasinglydiverse.